The Staff Senate is an elected body that represents the university’s permanent, non-faculty employees. The Staff Senate serves in an advisory capacity to the Chancellor and other university decision-making bodies and meets monthly to discuss staff members’ ideas and concerns. The Senate is committed to representing and communicating the needs and priorities of staff. The Senate also works to ensure that staff contributions are recognized at UNCG. The Staff Senate values and respects the worth and contributions of all individuals at UNC Greensboro.

A body appointed by the NC General Assembly and the UNC Board of Governors, the body advises the Board of Governors and the Chancellor on the development, engagement, management, and strategy of the institution, and it’s role in the region, system and state. 

Learn more about the Board of Trustees

The UNC Staff Assembly is an advisory body of SHRA and EHRA Non-Faculty who represent the staff of the 17 schools that make up the University of North Carolina System.  Established in 2006 by President Erskine Bowles, the purpose of the group is to advocate for staff issues and represent staff perspective to the senior leadership of the System Office and the Board of Governors. The Staff Assembly serves in parallel function with the University Faculty Assembly and the Association of Student Governments to constructively address the concerns and interests of the respective campuses and the System.  The goal is to improve communications, understanding, and morale throughout the campus communities, and to increase efficiency and productivity in campus and System operations.

Our UNCG Delegates at Staff Assembly:

  • Ian Draves
  • Kimberly Mozingo
  • Carla Wilson
  • Bri Souza (alternate)

Learn more about the UNC Staff Assembly

This university committee will guide the refresh of our strategic plan — Giant Steps 2.0 — that will continue throughout 2024. This update will build on the strong foundation of the existing plan, providing us a chance to align our core institutional blueprint with the fast-changing higher education landscape. Members were selected from a large pool of excellent nominees submitted by Deans and Chancellor’s Council. They represent a wide range of skills, experiences, and constituencies.

Advisory Committee Representative: Ian Draves

Learn more about the Strategic Plan Advisory Committee

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